Getting emails to work in your favour requires following these rules.

 Don’t use the email if you don’t need to.  Face-to-face is best and phone calls are second best. You can email later if confirmation is really necessary.
 Send your email TO only one person.  This would be the person who you expect to take action of some kind and/or respond to you.
 Don’t copy in others if you don’t need to.  You have no right to clutter up the inbox of others. Copy only those directly involved if they must know.
 Do not respond if your name is in the Cc line.  The email has been copied to you so that you are ‘informed’ – in the picture. You are not being asked for your views!
 Think before hitting ‘reply all’.  No one wants to read emails from 20 people that have nothing to do with them. People will get irritated. 
 Don’t play ‘politics’ with emails.  Copying in the receiver’s boss & others is cowardly and causes distrust and very likely unwarranted interference. 
 Keep your message brief & to the point.  A long waffling email message wastes your time and the recipient’s time. Stick to just one subject per email.  
 Make your subject line clear & specific. People decide whether to open an email based on the subject line. It also helps to find the email again.  
 Read the email again before sending. An email should be as precise and as accurate and as error free as possible. Make your meaning clear. 
 Don’t shout! Using capital letters seems as if you are SHOUTING! Bold is better for emphasis. Avoid colours. 
 Watch your wording & language. A sarcastic remark or a friendly criticism can be easily misunderstood. That is why the first rule is so important. 
 Don’t forward emails aimlessly.  You may be forwarding it to someone already ‘copied’.No one wants to receive the same email twice.

For further assistance or information contact Steve Woods –